Sana Lake Recovery Center

The complexity of an addiction is in its relationship with other elements of our existence and our personal training. The pattern of thought to which we are attached and which triggers our addiction is simple, but to the extent that it has been sustained in other aspects of who we are and also due to its unconscious character, it may seem complex, incomprehensible and for the same insurmountable. Click here for Sana Lake Recovery Center.

In this sense, attachment can be seen as a snowball rolling downhill: it gets bigger as it goes, but it also carries with it much of what it finds in its path. Hence the difficulty of leaving behind addictive behavior: it is an action that we carry out without knowing why, but we also continue to do it. In other words, it is an action carried out from unconsciousness.


Start by noticing the times when the addictive behavior you want to “disable” occurs. Not only in its general conditions, but above all in its specificity. That is, at first look at those addictive behaviors that you would like to get rid of (some are more obvious than others), but also the circumstances in which they occur. The urge to distract yourself (with social networks, for example), to be in company, to get angry or angry, to eat or drink … when exactly does it happen, and under what conditions? Visit this site for Lake Recovery Center. 

Sana Lake Recovery Center

Observe (without judgment)

Once you have begun to notice your addictive patterns, move on to a more refined level of consciousness. Observe your emotions, the sensations in your body and also the mental images that come to you when the need to satisfy your addiction is triggered (your associations, memories, thoughts that seem random, etc.). At all times try to do it without judging yourself, without reproaching yourself, without despair or fear. Just watch. It’s you looking at your conscience: nothing else.

Practice “letting go”

If you have begun to consciously perceive the paths your mind follows to connect the addictive pattern, you can try to practice “letting go,” that is, not repeating that same behavior, just letting go and letting it dissolve in the natural course of life. Maybe now you understand the reasons for your addiction, how it allows you to be and why you seem to need it; Perhaps now you see that it is not that things “are like this”, but that they are like this at the moment but they could also be different; Perhaps you have glimpsed the series of circumstances that gave rise to your addictive behavior … If you feel that you no longer need any of that, why not just stop doing it?

By Matthew